• time : 18:13
  • Date : Fri Oct 27, 2023
  • news code : 196398
Top Cited Paper Awards

Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

We are delighted to share with you some exciting news!

The Entomological Society of Iran has decided to establish an annual award program to recognize and honor the authors of the most cited papers published in our journals, namely the Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics and the Journal of Entomological Society of Iran.

The criteria for determining the winners will be based on the number of citations received by each paper, as recorded in the Scopus database. We believe that this initiative will serve as an excellent motivation for researchers and scholars to produce high-quality work in the field of entomology and contribute to advancing our scientific community.

We hope that this announcement will inspire you to submit your best work to our journals and to strive for excellence in your research endeavors. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to the Entomological Society of Iran.

For more information please visit https://entsoc.areeo.ac.ir/en-US/entsoc.areeo.ac/38208/page/2022

Best regards,

Entomological Society of Iran

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